Managing Prediabetes & Diabetes 1:30pm - 3:30pm


Managing Prediabetes and Diabetes is a group program that is delivered by Diabetes Educators from the Maple Diabetes Prevention and Education Centre for people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.


This 2 hour group program reviews the following aspects of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes:


•  How prediabetes and diabetes works, including the role of the pancreas, insulin and glucose
•  Targets for blood glucose control to reduce the risks associated with high blood glucose
•  The possible complications of diabetes & how managing diabetes can help prevent or delay these complications
•  How healthy eating, keeping active and medication can help manage diabetes
•  Identifying carbohydrate foods and non-carbohydrate foods and label reading for carbohydrates
•  Planning balanced and nourishing meals and snacks
•  Review recommendations for exercise from Diabetes Canada


This program encourages group participation. The facilitators will fill in any knowledge gaps, answer questions and clarify any misunderstandings about diabetes and related topics. Attendees may choose to have an individual appointment with the Maple Diabetes team after completion of this group.


Programs delivered by the Maple Diabetes Prevention and Education Centre are open to the community. You do not need to be a patient of Maple to attend this program.


To Register:  Contact Maple Diabetes at 613-531-6086



Event Properties

Event Date 01-29-2025
Location Maple Family Health Team
1036 Princess St. Unit D2, Kingston, Ontario