How do I become a patient of the Maple Family Health Team?

When Maple accepts new patients, they are accepted through Health Care Connect.

Health Care Connect is a program that will help people without a regular health care provider find one in their community.


Health Care Connect Ontario

Health Card

Please bring your valid health card with you to every appointment. You will be asked to present your health card when checking in with the receptionist. 

Prescription Renewal

If you need a renewal on your prescription you may not need to see your doctor. Simply call your pharmacy and have them send a fax request to renew your medication.

Uninsured Services

Services not covered by OHIP or another insurance plan are called uninsured services. It is the patient's responsibility to pay for uninsured services.


A helpful directory of laboratories in Kingston and the surrounding area, including hours of operation, contact information, and links to their websites.


At Maple we offer a variety of educational services and support programs to meet the varying needs of our patients.

Patient Resources

For more information about the topics covered on our website, here's a list of resources and useful links to other websites that may help you.